Social and Psychological Aspects of Dental Trauma, Behavior Management of Young Patients Who have Suffered Dental Trauma

The Open Dentistry Journal 31 Jan 2017 REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874210601711010041



Injuries concerning the skull, the mouth and thus potentially involving the mouth and teeth are characterized as major public health problems due to their high prevalence and very serious functional and aesthetic consequences. Pain, aesthetic and functional problems arising from dental trauma significantly disrupt normal function, and impact, often dramatically, on young patients’ quality of life.


With regards to the behavior management approach to a child who has suffered a dental trauma, dentist’s first step is to be to reassure child and parents. They should feel that the emergency is being properly treated on the part of the dentist and feel safe. The dentist should offer psychological support to child and parents and focus on alleviating any possible pain the child may feel. But, before that, a good level of communication with the child should be established.


This can be achieved through the tell-show-do technique, a presentation of the special session’s structure, the positive reinforcement method, the attention distraction method and exploiting the child’s imagination. The detailed description of the treatment to be followed is crucial for reducing the child’s level of stress, as well as that of the parents. Immediately after the completion of treatment, dentist should give listening time to the parents for any queries and include the child who probably wants to share their experience.

Keywords: Dental trauma, Social/psychological aspects, Behavior management, Orofacial function, Occlusion and aesthetics, Oral Impact on Daily Performances (OIDP).
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