

Tooth loss reduces masticatory function. Insufficient masticatory function causes an increase in carbohydrate intake while decreasing the intake of foods with a low Glycemic Index (GI) and high in protein, antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Protein-energy malnutrition may lead to metabolic syndrome, frailty, and faster onset of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Individuals with tooth loss resulting in problematic eating habits require behavior modification and health guidance.


This report aims to evaluate the influence of dental prostheses combined with health guidance on body composition and metabolic parameters.


Data were collected from three subjects: Two with molar loss and one with edentulism. Masticatory function was restored in each subject through prosthodontic treatment. Masticatory performance was evaluated before and after the prosthodontic treatment by having the subjects chew a gummy jelly and measuring the glucose extraction. Questionnaires were used to assess food intake and lifestyle habits. Health guidance based on the results of the questionnaires was conducted simultaneously with the prosthodontic intervention. Body composition and blood pressure were measured and blood tests were performed at baseline and around 90 days after the first health guidance session.


Masticatory ability, body-mass index, basal metabolism standard value, body-fat percentage, and intake of certain nutrients improved in all cases. Blood pressure and hemoglobin A1c improved in two cases.


Masticatory function recovery combined with health guidance was effective in preventing the onset or deterioration of NCDs in patients with masticatory dysfunction.

Keywords: Masticatory function, Carbohydrate metabolism, Protein-energy malnutrition, Body composition, Frailty, Non-communicable diseases.
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