The Reproduction Health Behavior of High School Teenagers in Semarang, Indonesia

Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani1, *, Iin Wiranti1, Bambang Budi Raharjo1, Efa Nugroho1
1 Public Health Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Public Health Department Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia; Tel: +628164243569; Fax: 024-8508107 ; Email:



It is recorded in Semarang that nearly 50% of the teenagers have conducted premarital sexual intercourse at the age 10-15 years. One of the efforts to prevent it is by reproduction health education at school to improve the teenagers’ knowledge and health behavior.


The research objective is to find out the relation of school role in health education with reproduction health behavior on high school teenagers in Semarang.


The research was conducted in 2017, which is a correlation description research with a quantitative approach. The population is all high school students in Semarang, i.e. 6620 students, the sample taking technique is by purposive sampling with 178 respondents. Questionnaire instruments were used to collect data on the role of schools and adolescent reproductive health behaviors. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability first. In addition, additional instruments such as APARQ are used, which are standard questionnaires for measuring physical activity and standard recall, so validity and reliability tests are not needed. Data was analysed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate with SPSS.


There was a significant role of school in the teenager’s reproduction health behavior (p-value 0.023), there was no significant effect of the dating status on the teenager reproduction health behavior with (p-value 0.693), there was a significant effect of teenager knowledge to teenager reproduction health behavior (p-value 0.012) and there was no significant relation between teenage physical activity and teenager reproduction health behavior in Semarang (p-value 0.370).


The role of the school is directly related through knowledge to the reproduction health behavior where the policy and activity have the highest effect on knowledge. Moreover, age, dating status, and physical activity do not directly relate to the reproduction health behavior of high school teenagers in Semarang. Besides, result demonstrate that school has a high role in teenager knowledge compared to other variables in this research.

Keywords: School role, Health education, Dating status, Reproduction health, Teenagers’ knowledge, Health behavior.