Table 4: Time needed to immobilize a worker ant (Ti) in water solution of surfactant.

HLB number Concentration Ti (SE)(second)*
7.9 0.01 66.83 (4.62)
0.1 52.85 (3.48)
9 0.01 66.88 (5.61)
0.1 64.28 (5.26)
10 0.01 64.22 (4.17)
0.1 66.40 (4.72)
11 0.01 65.13 (4.27)
0.1 66.27 (4.85)
12 0.01 64.42 (4.78)
0.1 70.43 (6.41)
13 0.01 70.88 (5.83)
0.1 66.60 (4.23)

*: Ti for pure water was 230.85 ± 14.78 (mean ± SE).