Table 2: Analysis of the mean anthropometric variables and mental health between physical education undergraduates satisfied and dissatisfied with body image (Cabo Frio, RJ – 2015).

Variables Body Satisfaction Body Dissatisfaction t value p value d value
BMI (kg/m2) 23.7 ±2.9 24.9 ±3.7 -1.847 0.067 0.330
BFP (%) 17.9 ±5.4 20.3 ±7.7 -2.061 0.041* 0.328
WC (cm) 74.4 ±8.7 77.9 ±10.0 -1.993 0.048* 0.357
S-STAI 43.8 ±5.3 44.1 ±5.2 -0.352 0.725 0,063
T-STAI 44.5 ±5.4 44.9 ±5.5 -0,377 0.707 0,067
POMS anger 8.4 ±4.0 10.2 ±3.9 -2.490 0.014* 0,445
POMS depression 2.6 ±3.8 5.0 ±5.6 -2.582 0.011* 0,462
POMS hostility 3.1 ±3.6 5.0 ±3.9 -2.815 0.006* 0,504
POMS vigor 16.6 ±4.4 15.3 ±4.9 -1.536 0.127 0,275
POMS fatigue 5.4 ±4.0 7.4 ±4.6 -2.526 0.013* 0.542
POMS confusion 7.1 ±2.5 8.2 ±2.7 -2.331 0.021* 0.417
POMS TMD 110.1 ±14.5 120.5 ±18.0 -3.422 0.001* 0.612
QOL mental score 75.1 ±12.1 66.8 ±15.9 3.444 0.001* 0.491

BMI: Body Mass Index; BFP: Body Fat Percentage; WC: Waist Circumference; STAI-S: State Anxiety; STAI-T: Trait Anxiety; POMS: Profile of Mood States Scale; TMD: total mood disturbance; QOL: short form-36 Quality of Life.*p < 0.05.