Table 3: Levels of significance (P-values) of the statistical tests of the bivariate analysis for explanatory variables against MBI dimensions (N=130).

Socio-Demographics Variables Emotional Exhaustion Depersonalization Personal Accomplishment
Sexa 0.757 0.250 0.113
Ageb 0.002 0.636 0.028
Civil statusa 0.224 0.727 0.001
Serviceb 0.006 0.236 0.819
Shiftsb 0.334 0.458 0.041
Type of contracta 0.002 0.783 0.010
Sick leave in previous 2 yearsb 0.069 0.503 0.613
Years of work experiencec 0.001 0.419 0.074

a Bivariate analysis by means of the Fischer Exact Test
b Bivariate analysis by means of the Chi-squared Test
c Bivariate analysis by means of a mean comparision