Table 3: Pearson’s correlations in the homologous (above the diagonal) and heterologous MAR group (under the diagonal).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
1.STAI-Y State 1 ,697** ,723** ,198* ,163 ,428** ,399** ,330** ,429** -,095 -,049 ,042 -,004
2.STAI-Y Trait ,799** 1 ,741** ,124 ,160 ,472** ,483** ,325** ,445** -,040 ,000 -,025 -,061
3.BDI-II ,756** ,716** 1 ,085 ,128 ,496** ,466** ,417** ,449** -,151 ,129 -,016 -,056
4.FPI-Rejection of childfree lifestyle ,223* ,221* ,205* 1 ,546** ,141 ,280** ,261** ,640** -,160 -,123 ,211* ,077
5.FPI-Need for Parenthood ,387** ,363** ,367** ,530** 1 ,269** ,290** ,206* ,691** -,156 -,217* ,207* ,142
6.FPI-Sexual Concern ,492** ,453** ,453** ,310** ,515** 1 ,540** ,497** ,683** ,059 ,091 ,021 -,112
7.FPI-Social Concern ,398** ,396** ,335** ,155 ,252** ,542** 1 ,530** ,765** -,099 -,025 -,057 -,062
8.FPI-Relationship Concern ,275** ,283** ,294** ,172 ,345** ,537** ,511** 1 ,698** -,023 ,051 -,046 -,089
9.FPI-Global Stress ,498** ,483** ,464** ,590** ,751** ,803** ,702** ,720** 1 -,117 -,076 ,100 -,004
10.Age -,145 -,101 -,187 ,003 ,093 ,059 -,114 ,084 ,033 1 -,022 ,132 ,204*
11.Number of born children -,125 ,001 -,009 -,019 -,097 -,104 -,015 -,095 -,092 -,042 1 -,106 -,098
12.Duration of the
relationship (years)
,122 ,081 ,179 ,013 ,186 ,089 -,030 ,172 ,123 -,042 -,336** 1 ,476**
13.Duration of pregnancy seeking (years) ,018 ,036 ,165 ,027 ,106 -,012 -,034 ,066 ,046 ,094 -,038 ,351** 1

Note. ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05. BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory-II edition, FPI = Fertility Problem Inventory, MAR = Medically-Assisted Reproduction, STAI-Y = State-Trait Anxiety Inventory – Y form.