Table 1: Summary of study characteristics.

Author and Date Country Title of the Article Study Design Data Collection Screening Tool Sample
USA Major depression disorder trajectories and HIV disease progression: results from a 6-year outpatient clinic cohort Retrospective cohort study design Secondary data abstracted from electronic medical records Data extracted from EMRs 2260 HIV patients
Ironson et al.
USA Psychosocial and neurohormonal predictors of HIV disease progression (CD4 cells and viral load): A 4-year prospective study. A longitudinal prospective design Clinical assessment interview and blood draw for CD4 and viral load assay BDI 177 HIV positive
Taniguchi et al.
USA Depression severity is associated with increased Risk behaviours and decreased CD4 cell counts Cross sectional study design Clinical assessment and in-depth interview PHQ-9 624 HIV positive
Anagnostopoulos A. et al.
Switzerland Frequency of and Risk Factors for Depression among Participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) Prospective cohort study design Clinical and laboratory assessment DSM-Mental disorder 6756 HIV positive
M.-K. Kee et al.
South Korea Anxiety and depressive symptoms among patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in South Korea Prospective cohort study design Clinical assessment & Self-administered questionnaire BDI 840 HIV patients
Y.-Y. WANG et al.
China Prevalence of depressive syndrome and their association with demographic and clinical characteristics in Chinese HIV patients Cross sectional study design Clinical assessment & Standardized questionnaire sheet CES-D &
416 HIV patients
W. Prasithsirikul et al.
Thailand Depression and anxiety were low amongst virally suppressed, long-term treated HIV- infected individuals enrolled in a public sector antiretroviral program in Thailand Cross sectional study design Clinical assessment & Self-administered questionnaire HADS 2023 HIV patients
Meffert et al.
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda East African HIV care: depression and HIV outcomes A longitudinal prospective design Clinical assessment CES-D 2307 HIV positives