Table 2: Comorbidity between Specific Phobia and Other Disorders.

- Comorb with
Specific Phobia
N (%)
χ2* P OR CI 95%
Major Depressive Disorder 9 (16.6) 20.72 <0.0001 4.82 2.12-10.62
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 7 (7.4) 35.68 <0.0001 8.80 3.39-21.90
Panic Disorder 9 (16.6) 27.28 <0.0001 5.89 2.57-13.01
Social Phobia 2 (3.7) 11.34 <0.0001 17.53 2.29-105.0
Agoraphobia 5 (9.2) 23.79 <0.0001 10.03 3.19-29.38
General Anxiety Disorder 10 (18.5) 64.36 <0.0001 11.57 5.09-25.71
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 2 (3.7) 3.22 0.07 5.81 0.89-27.60
Eating Disorders 4 (7.4) 17.16 <0.0001 7.23 2.05-22.98
Anorexia 3 (5.5) 13.79 <0.0001 11.13 2.41-44.19
Bulimia 0 (0) 0.01 0.999 --- ----
Binge Eating Disorder 1 (1.9) 0.024 0.621 4.29 0.20-33.44

*With Yates’ Correction