Table 1: Means and standard deviation of the study groups in the Well-being scale domains.

Dependent variable Groups Pre-test Post-test
N Mean Std. Deviation N Mean Std. Deviation
Autonomy Control 20 18.95 3.17 20 20.50 3.07
Experiment 20 21.30 3.31 20 29.05 4.70
Environmental mastery Control 20 20.65 4.06 20 19.60 3.60
Experiment 20 19.85 3.39 20 32.15 5.05
Personal Growth Control 20 19.80 3.56 20 21.05 3.36
Experiment 20 20.55 2.84 20 28.25 3.64
Positive Relations Control 20 20.10 3.14 20 20.65 3.13
Experiment 20 20.45 3.75 20 28.35 3.92
Purpose in life Control 20 19.65 3.54 20 20.45 3.62
Experiment 20 20.80 3.99 20 28.40 4.31
Self-acceptance Control 20 20.65 3.44 20 20.60 3.47
Experiment 20 21.00 3.92 20 29.80 4.07
Overall well-being Control 20 119.80 10.80 20 122.85 10.38
Experiment 20 124.05 9.35 20 176.00 13.29