Table 2: Logistic regression model: MOODS-SR depressive and rhythmicity domains, gender and education levels as predictive variables associated with PTSD diagnosis in the total sample.

Predictive factors B(S.E.) O.R. CI95% p
Mood-depressive 0.256 (0.108) 1.292 1.045-1.597 .018
Energy-depressive -0.309 (0.275) 0.734 0.429-1.258 .261
Cognition-depressive 0.268 (0.121) 1.308 1.032-1.657 .026
Rhythmicity 0.051 (0.102) 1.052 0.861-1.286 .618
Gender 0.548 (1.024) 1.731 0.232-12.885 .592
Education 1.048 (0.967) 2.851 0.428-18.892 .279
K -6.671 (2.237) 0.001 - .003

Cox R2 = 0.31; Nagelkerke R2 = 0.52; Hosmer-Lemeshow test: χ2 = 7,24, p = .511; Global-goodness-fit percentage = 89,0%. Sensitivity=53.8%; specificity=95.6%.