Table 3: Principal component analysis of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire in the sample (n= 151).

Item First component* Second component*
1. So hyper to get into trouble 0.66 0.52
2. Irritable -0.06 0.72
3. More self-confident 0.85 0.16
4. Less sleep 0.54 -0.10
5. More talkative 0.61 0.33
6. Thoughts raced 0.20 0.53
7. Easily distracted -0.03 0.84
8. Much more energy 0.92 0.03
9. Much more active 0.83 0.21
10. Much more social 0.81 0.33
11. Much more interested in sex 0.56 0.48
12. Excessive, foolish or risky things 0.28 0.75
13. Spending money got into trouble 0.25 0.52
Proportion of variance 35% 24%

*Item is assigned to the component on which it has the highest loading