Table 3: Multiple logistic regression analysis of factors affecting the level of fear of COVID-19.

- N High OR 95% CI p-value
Age (Years) - - - - - -
30-40 224 153 1 - - -
41-50 189 90 1.06 0.45 2.50 0.898
51-60 36 23 1.51 0.34 6.75 0.587
- - - - - - -
Gender - - - - - -
Male 219 87 1 - - -
Female 230 179 5.16 1.97 13.50 0.001*
- - - - - - -
Marital status - - - - - -
Married 42 23 1 - - -
Living together 285 150 0.67 0.15 3.04 0.599
Single 122 93 0.41 0.07 2.21 0.296
- - - - - - -
Educational level - - - - - -
Illiterate 40 9 1 - - -
Primary 297 176 7.32 0.67 79.82 0.102
Secondary 80 60 2.31 0.15 34.91 0.545
Workforce education 32 21 27.07 1.61 454.24 0.022*
- - - - - - -
Occupation - - - - - -
Stable worker 187 144 13.22 4.00 43.62 0.000*
Occasional 183 57 1 - - -
Unemployed 79 65 9.32 2.52 34.42 0.001*
- - - - - - -
Relative at home infected with COVID-19? - - - - - -
Yes 208 201 302.69 88.37 1036.80 0.000*
No 241 65 1 - - -
- - - - - - -
Death relative at home by COVID-19? - - - - - -
Yes 88 86 9.29 1.51 57.03 0.016*
No 361 180 1 - - -

OR: Odds Ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; *Statistically significant.