Table 2: From the Total Sample Only those Bullied in 10th Grade (n=337) are Included in the Analysis. The Table Compare those Still being Bullied (n=48) with those not Being Bullied (n=289) after 10th Grade on Sociodemografic Factors

Bullied After 10th Grade
Yes No
n % n % p-value
Gender Boy 22 45.8 147 50.9 0.5
Girls 26 54.2 142 49.1
Family situation Married 26 54.2 204 70.8 0.02
All other 22 45.8 84 29.2
Mothers education Primary 6 13.3 40 14.1 0.04
Secondary 26 57.8 110 38.9
College 13 28.9 133 47.0
Ethnicity Minority 16 33.3 65 22.5 0.1
Norwegian 32 66.7 224 77.5
Perceived economy Poor 22 46.8 94 33.0 0.007
Good 25 53.2 191 67.0