Table 3: From the Total Sample Only those Bullied in 10th Grade (n=337) are Included in the Analysis. The Table Compare those Still Being Bullied (n=48) with those not being Bullied (n=289) after 10th Grade on Acne, Smoking and Pain

Bullied after 10th Grade
Yes No p-value
n % n %
Acne at 18 No 34 45.8 236 50.9 0.06
Yes 14 29.2 50 17.5 0.007
Pain sites No 10 8.3 23 22.2
1-2 16 30.8 85 35.6
3-5 19 60.9 168 42.2
Smoking at 15 No 17 35.4 173 59.9 0.006
Sometimes 19 31.6 66 22.8
Daily 12 25.0 50 17.3
Smoking at 18 No 26 54.2 183 63.5 0.5
Sometimes 16 33.3 77 26.7
Daily 6 12.5 28 9.7