Very True Somewhat or Sometimes True Not True
1 Your son/daughter often complains about some physical discomfort (for example: a headache, stomach ache, etc.)
2 He is excessively worried about illnesses and/or that he will get ill
3 He finds it difficult to fall asleep or says he does not sleep well
4 His sleep is disturbed by nightmares or waking up during the night
5 He appears tense and/or anxious
6 He tends to worry about everything
7 He worries about school too much
8 It is hard for him to be separated or far from his parents
9 He is excessively shy
10 He is usually embarrassed around strangers or people he does not know very well
11 He is excessively afraid of something (e.g. the dark, being alone, insects, thieves) Specify what he is afraid of
12 He is excessively afraid of dirt, so he has to wash continually
13 There are repetitive actions or “rituals” that he frequently repeats and he says he cannot help
doing them, If yes, describe which ones
14 He has an obsessive need for things to be in a precise order
15 He is obsessed by unpleasant thoughts and cannot free himself from them
16 He is very afraid of making mistakes
17 It is hard for him to make decisions, even about unimportant things
18 Has he ever been involved in or witnessed particularly stressful events, after which his behaviour changed in some way?
If true, indicate what behavioural changes occurred after the event
19 He cries for no reason or about unimportant things
20 He often seems sad
21 He is often in a black mood (“depressed”)
22 He says or shows that he is not happy
23 He shows no interest, not even in pleasant things
24 He feels inferior to others; he has low self-esteem
25 He is often tired or listless; everything exhausts him
26 He blames himself too much
27 He has sometimes said he does not want to live any longer
28 He has hurt himself or tried to hurt himself
29 He is very irritable
30 He often gets angry, even about unimportant things
31 He has frequent mood changes
32 He is quick-tempered and has fits of anger
33 He does not obey and it is difficult to make him obey
34 He does not follow the rules
35 He often tells lies or cheats
36 He is domineering and always wants to assert himself
37 He quarrels frequently
38 He bothers and intentionally annoys others
39 He often hits people
40 He destroys things
41 He is or has been cruel to animals or people
42 He has committed petty theft
43 He is impulsive and acts before thinking
44 He tends not to take turns when he is playing
45 He interrupts, disturbing games or others’ conversations
46 He is always moving around and cannot stay still
47 He cannot sit down for a long time but has to get up
48 He runs and jumps everywhere in an exaggerated way
49 He has trouble concentrating while doing his homework
50 He has trouble paying attention to something for a long period
51 He gets tired very quickly even when he is playing
52 He feels persecuted
53 He is overly suspicious
54 Sometimes he has strange ideas
55 Sometimes he says he sees or hears things that are not there
56 He has difficulty in relating to and interacting with others
57 He cannot make real friends or does not seem interested in doing so
58 He does not play willingly with his peers
59 He does not seem to express emotions using appropriate facial expressions
60 His behaviour is "strange", unlike that of his peers
61 He asks inappropriate questions, like overly-personal questions to strangers at inopportune times
62 He sometimes wets the bed
63 He sometimes dirties his pants during the day
64 He stuffs himself with food
65 He keeps to a strict diet (not prescribed by a doctor or dietician)
66 He feels too fat or says that parts of his body are too fat
67 He has recently lost a lot of weight
68 He appears to be overly interested in sex
69 He shows he would like to be of the opposite sex
70 He smokes
71 He drinks alcohol
72 He uses drugs (smokes hashish or other dangerous substances)
73 He does not do well at school
74 He has recently done much worse at school
75 His classmates or other children make fun of him, threaten or mistreat him

List the numbers of the questions whose meaning was unclear:...................... ................ ................ ................ ................ ............................................................Does your child exhibit behaviour which seems to you different from that of his peers? Give details. ...................................................................................................................... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Does your child exhibit behaviour which worries you? Give details.................................................................. ................ ................ ................ ................ .......... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ...............................................................................If there are episodes that worry you, it is better not to ignore them. Problems can usually be solved if they are faced adequately and in time. Problems that are ignored may later be difficult to solve.