Table 1: Medical Students’ Attitude Toward Social Relations in Patients with Mental Illness (Category 1)

Item. No OpinionItem Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
1 I'm ready to live in the same place with a mentally ill patient who has been hospitalized before and now gets well 18(10.7) 60(35.7) 52(31) 26(15.5) 12(7.1)
6 It's necessary to cut all the relationships of a patient with mental illness with the society 91(54.2) 68(40.5) 5(3) 2(1.2) 2(1.2)
7 If anyone of my relatives suffers from mental illness, I'll be ready to go to a party or to go on a trip with him/her 2(1.2) 28(16.7) 49(29.2) 72(42.9) 17(10.1)
13 If anyone of my close relatives is mentally ill and his/her doctor tells me that there is no danger, I'll be ready to take care of him/her at home 5(3) 24(14.3) 35(20.8) 76(45.2) 28(16.7)
14 I'm ready to live or work in the same place with a patient with mental illness 13(7.7) 61(36.3) 50(29.8) 38(22.6) 6(3.6)
20 I'm ready to be a close friend to a patient with mental illness 23(13.7) 51(30.4) 61(36.3) 23(13.7) 10(6)