Table 1: Clinical Characteristics of the Sample

ADHD Groups (Na=85) Controls (N=26)
Drug-free (N=44) Atomoxetine (N=23) Methilfhenydate (N=18)
Type of ADHD
Inattentive N(%) 7(8.2%) - 2(2.4%) -
Hyperactive/Impulsive N(%) 1(1.2%) - 2(2.4%) -
Combined N(%) 36(42.4 %) 23(27%) 14(16.5%) -
Comorbid disorders
SLDb N (%) 17(20%) 1(1.2%) 9(10.6%) -
Anxiety Disorder N (%) 18(21.2%) 4(4.7%) 4(4.7%) -
ODDc N(%) 7(8.2%) 9(10.6%) 9(10.6%) -
Depressive Disorder N(%) 3(3.6%) 1(1.2%) 1(1.2%) -
Other 3(3.5%) 3(3.6%) - -
SNAP-IV Subscales
Inattentive Md(SDe) 18.13 (4.7) 19.63 (4.3) 17.00 (5.1) 5.04 (1.1)
Hyperactive/Impulsive M (SD) 15.67 (6.4) 19.58 (4.8) 14.85 (6.3) 3.04 (1.1)
Combined M(SD) 33.80 (9.9) 39.21 (6.7) 31.84 (9.6) 8.08 (1.5)
Oppositional Defiant M(SD) 11.00 (5.0) 13.52 (5.5) 12.15 (5.2) 4.15 (1.3)

a Number of subjects;
b Specific Learning Disorder;
c Oppositional Defiant Disorder;
d Mean;
e Standard Deviation.