Table 1: MRI and Radiographic Scores in the CMC1 Joints in Relation to Symptoms

All Joints (n=24) Predominant Side (n=11)* Less Symptomatic Side (n=11)* Rest Pain (n=8)
Median(range) Median(range) Median(range) Median(range)
Pain intensity (0-10) 5(0-10) 8(5-10) 3(0-4) 7.5(6-10)
MRI scoring
BME (0-3) 1(0-3) 2(0-3) 0(0-3) 2(0-3)
SYN (0-3) 2(1-3) 3(2-3) 2(1-3) 3(2-3)
OP (0-3) 2(0-3) 2(0-3) 2(0-3) 2(0-3)
CE (0-3) 1(0-3) 1(0-2) 1(0-3) 1.5(0-2)
Aggregate (0-12) 6.5(1-12) 7(3-11) 4(1-12) 8(3-11)
Radiograph scoring
Osteophytes (0-3) 2(0-3) 2(0-3) 1(1-3) 2(0-3)
Joint space narrowing (0-3) 1(0-3) 2(0-3) 1(1-3) 1.5(0-3)
Erosions (0-3) 1(0-3) 1(0-3) 1(0-3) 1.5(0-3)
Aggregate (0-9) 4(0-9) 5(0-9) 3(2-9) 5(0-9)

* One patient reported equal symptoms on both sides.