Table 6: Percent change in effects per 1m/s increase in wind speed.

Health Effect Particular Mountain Hill Terai
WB hospitalization Estimate -23.6 X X
95% CI [-27.3;-19.7] X X
Lag MA 15 X X
VB hospitalization Estimate 35.0 1.7
95% CI [7.4;69.6] [-0.5;3.4]
Lag MA 45 MA 7
Urinary system hospitalization Estimate 17.5 -4.0
95% CI [5.0;31.5] [-6.9;-1.0]
Lag MA 15 MA 21
All cause deaths Estimate X -9.0 X
95% CI X [-14.7;-2.9] X
Lag X MA 7 X
WB & VB deaths Estimate X -6.4
95% CI X [-11.6;-0.9]
Lag X GEO 7

X implies not included in the model due to statistical insignificance.
▬ implies model not built; CI implies confidence interval.