Table 3: Post-operative data and adverse outcomes.

Variable Group A
(n = 88)
Group B
(n = 88)
P- value
Atrial fibrillation 42 (47.7%) 26 (29.5%) P = 0.020*
Death - - -
Post – operative MI 3 (3.41%) 1 (1.13%) P = 0.610
Chest infection 4 (4.54%) 8 (9.09%) P = 0.368
Serum potassium level before AF (mmol/L) 4.2 ± 0.35 4.1 ± 0.43 P = 0.092
Inotropic support 40 (45.5%) 39 (44.3%) P = 0.742
Drainage (ml) 496.5 ±150.3 474.3 ±131.6 P = 0.298
Duration of Hospital stay (days) 7.2 ± 1.6 6.5 ± 1.2 P = 0.003 *
Postoperative mediastinitis (%) - - -
Superficial wound infections - - -
Postoperative CRP levels(mg/l)
1st post-operative day
2nd post-operative day
67.2 ± 30.9
161 ± 48.0
58.0 ± 26.9
118 ± 38.7
<0.036* (Significant)
<0.0001* (Significant)

Where if P > 0.05 = Non- significant, P < 0.05 = significant