Table 1: Patient characteristics in total and matched cohorts.

Characteristic Total Set Matched Set
Group N
(n =316)
Group P
(n =434)
STD(%) P-value Group N
(n =157)
Group P
(n =157)
STD(%) P-value
Patients Characteristics
Age (yrs) 44.73 ± 24.66 39.92 ± 11.87 26.18 <0.001 41.12 ± 14.24 41.03 ± 11.93 0.69 0.949
Height (cm) 159.26 ± 5.43 159.31 ± 8.60 -0.67 0.914 159.22 ± 5.48 159.71 ± 5.64 -8.81 0.434
Weight (kg) 57.39 ± 9.23 57.79 ± 9.16 -4.35 0.557 57.07 ± 9.52 57.68 ± 8.54 -6.75 0.555
Smoking history(n) 17(5.4) 37(8.5) -44.60 0.100 9(5.7) 10(6.4) -12.28 0.886
PONV History (n) 19(6.0) 24(5.5) 8.70 0.779 7(4.5) 8(5.1) -13.33 0.791
Anesthetic Factors
OP time (min) 144.49 ± 120.17 142.44 ± 130.89 1.62 0.826 136.61 ± 89.23 137.01 ± 90.99 -0.44 0.891
Sevoflurane (n) 132(41.8) 143(32.9) 23.83 0.013 55(35.0) 54(34.4) 1.71 0.906
Desflurane (n) 184(58.2) 291(67.1) -14.21 0.013 102(65.0) 103(65.6) -0.92 0.906
N2O (n) 224(70.9) 387(89.2) -22.86 <0.001 134(85.4) 134(85.4) 0.0 1.000
Remifentanil (n) 37(11.7) 20(4.6) 87.12 0.652 9(5.7) 10(6.4) -12.28 0.813
Pre intubation opioid (n) 187(59.2) 349(80.4) -30.37 <0.001 116(73.9) 113(72.0) 2.57 0.703
PCA Related Factors
PCA Fentanyl(mcg) 1064.60 ± 192.51 1049.69 ± 134.05 9.25 0.022 1049.80 ± 150.56 1052.87 ± 123.81 -2.23 0.844
Nefopam 168(53.2) 175(40.3) 27.59 <0.001 75(47.8) 63(40.1) 16.11 0.172
Ketorolac 126(39.9) 212(48.8) -20.07 0.015 66(42.0) 79(50.3) -19.76 0.141
Ramosetron 229(72.5) 382(88.0) -19.31 <0.001 137(87.3) 135(86.0) 1.49 0.892
Palonosetron 7(2.2) 9(2.1) 4.65 0.895 4(2.5) 4(2.5) 0 0.702
Granisetron 80(25.3) 43(9.9) 87.5 <0.001 16(8.9) 18(11.5) -12.75 0.656

Values are expressed as mean ± SD or absolute number (percentages). OP; Operation, STD: Standardized Difference, PONV: Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting, PCA: Patient-Controlled Analgesia