Table 1: The Probe Set for CR10 Rainbow Hybridization

Location Fractional Length Marker Probe Type Name Probe Label Emission Display Color
10 p 15 0.017 D10S249 P1 78 E 1 digoxigenin orange red
10 p 14 0.097 D10S547 P1 91 A 2 biotin infrared purple
10 p 13 0.154 D10S603 P1 81 G 1 FITC green green
10 p 12 0.214 D10S588 P1 87 G 10 dig. and FITC orange and green yellow
10 p 11.2 0.298 D10S578 P1 98 D 7 digoxigenin orange red
10 q 11.2 0.401 ret P1 58 C 11 biotin infrared purple
10 q 21 0.443 D10S539 P1 101 C 7 FITC green green
10 q 21 0.478 D10S170 P1 29 F 6 dig. and FITC orange and green yellow
10 q 22 0.541 D10S537 P1 106 H 5 digoxigenin orange red
10 q 22-23 0.601 D10S607 P1 51 H 2 biotin infrared purple
10 q 23 0.671 D10S541 P1 60 D 11 FITC green green
10 q 24.1 0.742 NFkB-2 P1 66 E 12 dig. and FITC orange and green yellow
10 q 24.3 0.812 D10S597 YAC 911 D 9 digoxigenin orange red
10 q 25.2 0.871 D10S YAC 858 H 7 biotin infrared purple
10 q 25-26 0.923 D10S209 YAC 937 A 6 FITC green green
10 q 26 0.981 D10S217 YAC 932 F 11 dig. and FITC orange and green yellow