Fig. (3) Schematic representation of the TNF-R1 signalling complex.Binding of TNF to TNF-R1 leads to receptor trimerisation and formation of the TNF receptor signalling complex (TNF-RSC). Then, the signalling molecules TNF-R1 associated death domain (TRADD) and receptor interacting kinase 1 (RIP1) are recruited via their DDs to the receptor complex. TRADD then serves as an assembly platform for binding of TRAF2 which in turn recruits cIAP1 and cIAP2. These cIAPs then form ubiquitin chains which enable the recruitment of the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), the TAK-TAB complex and the IKK complex. RIP1 and TRAF2 are critical for the activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and the cJun-N-terminal kinase (JNK). Blue chains and red chains represent K63-linked and linear ubiquitin chains, respectively.