Table 1: Details of the specimens and experimental results.

No. a1/ a2/ b1/ b2/ t fck/ fys εb /εu /ε85/×10-6 DI Nb Nu
(mm) (MPa) (kN) (kN)
C1 80/ 80/ 80/ 80/ 3.64 41.58/ 348 27 (9579)/ 3486/ 5472 1.57 (1520) 2064 0.89 (0.66)
C2 80/ 80/ 80/ 80/ 5.6 41.58/ 346 17 —/ 5532/ 7936 1.43 2754 0.96
C3 80/ 80/ 80/ 80/ 7.74 41.58/ 261 11 —/ 5747/ 33830 5.89 3326 1.17
C4 80/ 80/ 80/ 80/ 3.72 41.58/ 239 22 (11883)/ 3692/ 4772 1.29 (1410) 2155 1.10 (0.72)
C5 180/ 80/ 180/ 80/ 5.6 41.58/ 346 39 (5647)/ 2842/ 6406 2.25 (3633) 4096 0.75 (0.67)

Notes: 1. α1, a2, b1, b2the width of each side, as shown in Fig. (2). 2. t—the thickness of steel tube. 3. fys, fckthe yield strength of steel and the characteristic compressive strength of concrete prism, calculated by fck =0.76 fcu,k. 4. Nb, εbthe load and corresponding average longitudinal strain when the local buckling occurred, it means the local buckling appeared at the post-peak stage when they are marked by “()”, and when local buckling was not found, they are marked by “—”. 5. Nu, εuthe experimental maximum load and corresponding average longitudinal strain. 6. ε85the average longitudinal strain when the load falls to 85% of the maximum load. 7. Nunthe nominal strength of the specimens, Nun= fckAc+fysAs, where Ac is the area of concrete, As is the area of steel tube. 8. DI— ductility index, defined as DI=0.75×(ε85/ε75) [18], where ε75 is the average longitudinal strain when the load reaches 75% of the maximum load in the pre-peak stage.