Table 1: Physical and mechanical properties of high-salinity soft marine soils.

w/% ρ/g/cm3 Sr/% e0 IP IL ES/MPa Cq/kPa φq fa/kPa
45.72 1.76 98.91 1.257 15.9 1.64 2.08 5.7 2.6 40

Note: w represents the water content of the soil; ρ is the density of the soil; Sr is the degree of saturation of the soil; e0 is the initial void ratio of the soil; IP is the plasticity index of the soil; IL is the compressibility coefficient of the soil; Es is the compressive modulus of the soil; Cq is the cohesive force of the soil; φq is the angle of friction of the soil; and fa is the characteristic value of bearing capacity of the soil.