Table 1: Variable parameters.

Parameters Unit Range
Cohesion (c) of collapsible soil kPa 20
Angle of internal friction (φcs) of collapsible soil ° 20–40
Collapse potential (Cp) % 5–15
Angle of internal friction (φ) of dense sand ° 40
Thickness of collapsible soil layer (H) m 8–15
Depth of collapsing soil (Hs) m 4–7.5
x = Hs/H - 0.5
Length of pile (L) m 12–30
Diameter of pile (D) m 0.2–1
Pile length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) - 20–75
Embedded pile length into noncollapsible soil-to-full pile length ratio (Le/L) - 0.3–0.75
Radius of wetting (h) m 3–10
Interface strength reduction factor (ISRF) - 0.6–0.9