Table 3: Statistical characteristics for factors due to consultant firms administration and staff.

No Factors Due to Consultant Firms Administration and Staff Firms Mean Standard Deviation The Relative Weight (%) The Value of the Test P- Value Rank
1- Lack of QA/QC program during design. 4.09 0.96 81.80 8.61 0.00 4
2- Poor technical updating and poor staff training. 3.98 0.92 79.60 8.22 0.00 5
3- Decision that is not in accordance with codes. 3.78 1.04 75.60 5.79 0.00 6
4- Poor or Lack of engineering supervision during construction of residential buildings or unqualified supervision 4.52 0.82 90.40 14.06 0.00 1
5- Hiring unqualified designers. 4.27 0.78 85.40 12.45 0.00 2
6- Poor field of experience and technical background for structural designers. 4.15 0.93 83.00 9.57 0.00 3
7- Design buildings that do not work as intended by the owner (making drop beams, place and size of columns, etc.) which lead to change in design without consulting the engineer. 3.76 1.07 75.20 5.46 0.00 7
8- Poor communication between the design firms and the owner. 3.61 1.03 72.20 4.53 0.00 8