Table 1: Clinical features of 7 previous published cases of zygoma osteoma.

Case Age/
Clinical symptoms Radiographic findings Treatment Complications Histopathological examination Follow-up Relapse References
1 25/♂ Restricted mandibular opening Pedunculated osseous lesion medial to the zygomatic arch Surgical resection by intraoral approach Healing was uneventful Normal bone with medullary fibrosis 8 weeks No Boland et al., 1983 [9]
2 55/♀ Left ear was closing Pedunculated osseous lesion lateral to the zygomatic arch Surgical resection by extraoral approach Healing was uneventful Normal cortical bone ND ND Furlaneto et al., 2004 [10]
3 20/♂ Itchy facial swelling Pedunculated osseous radiopaque mass on the zygoma Surgical resection by extraoral approach Healing was uneventful Dense compact bone with sparse marrow 6 months No Akinmoladun et al., 2007 [11]
4 61/♀ None Pedunculated osseous lesion on the zygomatic arch Observation ND Not performed ND ND Durao et al., 2012 [12]
5 62/♂ Pain and tenderness A well-defined circular radiolucent lesion at the zygoma Surgical resection by extraoral approach ND Well-vascularized stroma and immature bone ND ND Mintz et al., 2013 [13]
6 32/♀ Painful swelling Firm bony swelling above the zygomatic arch Surgical resection by extraoral approach Healing was uneventful Cancellous-type osteoma 7 years No Quintans et al., 2013 [14]
7 41/♂ Painless firm mass Lobulated bony mass protruding from outer cortex of the zygoma Surgical resection by intraoral approach Healing was uneventful Normal mature compact bone 1 month No Kim et al. 2015 [15]

Abbreviations: ND: no data.