Table 5: Changes in dentin permeability after desensitizer treatments, CA and AS post-treatments.

  Groups Lp Max.
Lp3% (n=20)
Citric Acid
Lp4% (n=10)
Artificial Saliva
Lp5% (n=10)
  Gluma Desensitizer Powergel (GPG) 100 23.35 ± 12.40ab
47.57 ± 10.71x 42.19 ± 11.69∂ß
  Bifluorid 12 (BIF) 100 24.50 ± 12.31ab
44.75 ± 11.68x 52.26 ± 15.65ß
  Gluma Self Etch Bond (GSE) 100 18.97 ± 4.99a
43.74 ± 13.55x 38.60 ± 8.92∂ß
  D/Sense Crystal (DSC) 100 21.74 ± 6.63ab
34.88 ± 13.97x 29.64 ± 12.66
  Nupro Sensodyne Prophylaxis Paste (NPP) 100 28.84 ± 10.92b
40.66 ± 12.10x 39.25 ± 6.62∂ß
Lp values measured after EDTA application were considered as the maximum permeability (Lpmax=100%). Other Lp values were expressed as the percentages (%) of Lpmax. The values are reported as means ± standart deviations. Post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test was used for pairwise comparisons between groups in each column. Same superscripts indicates no differences between groups in columns (p>0.05). Delta (∆) values represent the dentin permeability reduction values of the treatments (Lpmax% - Lp3%) approximately(≈).