Table 3: The results of answers to the questions of the questionnaire.

Question Incorrect Blank (no knowledge) Correct
N (%) N (%) N (%)
Etiology One of the causes of trigeminal neuralgia could be brain tumor 25 (15.1%) 14 (8.4%) 127 (76.5%)
Burning mouth syndrome is more common after menopause 17 (10.2%) 21 (12.7%) 128 (77.1%)
Orofacial pain could be referral pain from neck muscle disorder 19 (11.4%) 8 (4.8%) 139 (83.1%)
Clinical presentations Imaginary tooth pain can be produced in a location with tooth loss 12 (7.2%) 16 (9.6%) 138 (83.1%)
Trigeminal neuralgia produces electric shock like pain which is often unilateral 13 (7.8%) 20 (12%) 133 (80.1%)
TMJ disorders pain is often associated with clicking sound of the joint and restricted mouth opening 14 (8.4%) 0 152 (91.6%)
Migraine can cause facial or jaw pain 22 (13.3%) 14 (8.4%) 130 (78.3%)
Physical examination Local anesthetic tests can be used to evaluate chronic orofacial pain 31 (18.7%) 6 (3.6%) 129 (77.7%)
Examination of neck muscles and TMJ in patients with chronic pain is important 19 (11.4%) 14 (8.4%) 133 (80.1%)
Cold spray on muscles has role in examination of chronic pain 48 (28.9%) 33 (19.9%) 85 (51.2%)
Treatment The first-line treatment for TMJ disorders is diazepam 63 (38%) 33 (19.9%) 70 (42.2%)
Tricyclic anti depressants can be used for treatment of burning mouth syndrome 55 (33.1%) 32 (19.3%) 79 (47.6%)
The most frequent medication used for trigeminal neuralgia is carbamazepine 29 (17.5%) 39 (23.5%) 98 (59%)
Cutaneous capsaicin (red pepper extract) is efficacious for post herpetic neuralgia 36 (21.7%) 57 (34.3%) 73 (44%)
Behavioral therapy and medical therapy have role for treatment of atypical pains 20 (12%) 11 (6.6%) 135 (81.3%)

TMJ= temporomandibular joint