Table 2: Distribution of elderly respondents according to the complaints.

Type of care utilized Male Female Total
General dental practitioner 184 (39.5) 122 (28.0) 306 (33.7)
Dental specialist 108 (23.2) 86 (19.8) 194 (21.5)
Dental college 72 (15.5) 52 (12.0) 124 (13.8)
Self medication/OTC 36 (7.7) 66 (15.4) 102 (11.6)
Medical practitioner 40 (8.6) 28 (6.5) 68 (7.6)
Home remedies/Other system of medicine 22 (4.8) 76 (17.6) 98 (11.2)
Total 462 (100) 430 (100) 892 (100)

Chi-square = 57.9062, P = 0.0001*