Table 2: Comparison of the MCD analysis before and after selective grinding guided by an occlusal splint. The mean values (SD), minimum and maximum (mm) and horizontal (XX`) and vertical (YY) CD in the different facial patterns groups.

Facial Pattern/CD Mean (SD) XX YY Minimum (mm) XX YY Maximum(mm) XX YY
Before selective grinding
Hyperdivergent 0.20 (0.41)*** 0.31 (0.45)*** -0.42 0 1.11 2.38
Hypodivergent 0.23 (0,55)*** 0.22 (0.62)*** -0.45 0 0.92 0.31
Intermediate 0.15 (0.51)*** 0.17 (0.78)*** -0.38 0 1.11 0.17
After selective grinding
Hyperdivergent 0.22 (0.32)*** 0.35 (0.45)*** -0.46 0 1.16 2.48
Hypodivergent 0.27 (0,45)*** 0.28 (0.62)*** -0.52 0 0.98 0.36
Intermediate 0.18 (0.83)*** 0.19 (0.78)*** -0.28 0 1.12 0.22

XX` Means are expressed in absolute values SD: standard deviation; CD: condylar displacement. ***p<0.01