Table 1: The main molecular mass range, corresponding compounds, and m/z values observed from negative ion experiments with HPLC-TOF-MS for eGCE and GCE and tannic acid.

Extracts Main molecular mass range [M-H]- Corresponding Compoundsa Main m/z valuesb
GCE 169- 635 GA, 1-3GGs 169,331, 483, 635
eGCE 169-1243 GA, 4-7GGs 169, 787, 939, 1091, 1243
Tannic acid 939-1699 5-10GGs 939, 1091, 1243, 1395, 1547, 1699

a 1-10GGs represented galloylglucopyranose, di-galloylglucopyranose, tri-galloylglucopyranose, tetra-galloylglucopyranose, penta-galloylglucopyranose, hexa-galloylglucopyranose, hepta-galloylglucopyranose, octa-galloylglucopyranose, ennea-galloylglucopyranose, deca-galloylglucopyranose, respectively [16, 24-26].
b 169, 331, 483, 635, 787, 939, 1091, 1243, 1395, 1547, and 1699 would match with the [M-H]- ions of gallic acid, 1-10GGs, respectively.