Table 3: The employees’ perceptions of the implementation of the merger. Proportions of the participants in percentages (%).

Not at all/
Very or Fairly Little
Some Fairly or Very Much
Was the reason for the merger of the clinics made clear? 8 14 78
How well did you know your future colleagues before the merger? 17 25 58
To what extent do you feel that you were involved in the process of the merger? 45 25 30
Are you satisfied with the way the merger was carried out? 28 27 45
Are you satisfied with your current schedule? 11 20 69
Did you feel stressed before the merger? 47 29 24
Did you feel stressed after the merger? 55 22 23
My attitude to the merger before the implementation was positive 19 33 48
My attitude to the merger after the implementation is positive 11 28 61
The development and adaptation of new common routines have worked well 9 21 70

The mean values are based on the 5-point scale. Missing data 1-6%