Table 4: Frequencies, means and standard deviations of items at the task level in QPSNOrdic-34+.

Content areas Item Very or Fairly Seldom/Little (%) Sometimes/Some (%) Very or Fairly Often/Much (%) Mean (SD)
Job demands Is your workload unevenly distributed so that the work is piling up? 30 48 22 2.87 (0.85)
Do you have too much to do? 14 54 32 3.23 (0.78)
Is your job too difficult for you? 78 20 2 1.95 (0.76)
Do you perform tasks for which you would need more training? 61 38 1 2.06 (2.44)
Are your knowledge and skills useful in your work? 0 4 96 4.43 (0.58)
Does your work imply positive challenges? 9 34 57 3.65 (0.94)
Role expectations Are there clearly defined goals for your work? 6 20 74 3.91 (0.90)
Do you know exactly what is required of you at work? 0 9 91 4.32 (0.64)
Are there inconsistent demands on you from two or more people? 54 36 10 2.37 (0.95)
Control at work Can you influence your amount of work? 39 42 19 2.65 (1.02)
Can you yourself determine your pace of work? 45 34 21 2.60 (1.08)
Can you decide when to take a break? 63 14 23 2.27 (1.28)
Can you influence decisions that are important for your work? 35 42 23 2.83 (1.05)

Missing data 1-4%