Table 4: Effect of interaction of fissure sealant and tooth on the changes of ICDAS score (Model 4).

(95% CI)
Mandibular Maxilla
Intercept 0.366 (0.288 - 0.444) <0.001
Mandibular Sealant - Reference
Sealant + -0.098 (-0.200 - 0.005) 0.062
Maxilla Sealant - -0.033 (-0.264 - 0.199) 0.782
Sealant + -0.345 (-0.503 - -0.188) <0.001
Tooth Type
Intercept 0.125 (0.080 - 0.171) <0.001
Premolar Sealant - Reference
Sealant + -0.071 (-0.237 - 0.094) 0.399
Molar Sealant - 0.233 (0.042 - 0.508) <0.001
Sealant + 0.366 (-0.270 - 0.462) 0.096

Sealants were applied only on the occlusal surface. Applied sealant on maxillary teeth was effective when mandibular teeth without sealant were used for reference. Molar teeth without sealant were at risk when premolar teeth without sealant were used for reference. The coefficient of molar teeth with sealant was positive. Though it was not statistically significant, the results indicated that the risks of molar teeth were higher than premolars even with sealant.