Table 2: Clinicopathological Features of 27 OSCC Patients

Characteristic No. of Patients
Total 27
Median age (Years) 69(40-90)
Gender Male 15
Female 12
Site Tongue 9
Gingiva 8
Buccal mucosa 3
Floor of mouth 4
Palate 2
Sinus 1
T-grades T1 3
T2 8
T3 10
T4 6
Negative 20
Positive (lymp. N., Post ope) 5
(Neck ) 2
Mode of invasion# YK-1 3
YK-2 2
YK-3 11
YK-4C 7
YK-4D 0
ND 4

# Yamamoto-Kohama´s mode of invasion; see referrence [27].
ND, not determined.