Table 4: Correlation of Clinicopathologic Factors and CBR3 Expression in OSCC Tissues. (n = 64)

Factors CBR3 mRNA# Odds Ratio 95% CI p-Value$
Low High
<60 10 9
>60 22 23 1.16 0.40-3.40 <0.79
M 14 19
F 18 13 0.53 0.20-1.43 <0.22
T classification
T1-2 13 19
T3-4 19 13 0.47 0.17-1.27 <0.14
Mode of invasion
YK1-2 5 14
YK3-4D 27 19 0.25 0.077-0.82 <0.018*
Node- 21 22
Node+ 11 10 0.87 0.29-2.52 <0.80

# , Low and high means below and above the median value, respectively.
$ , Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann Whitney´s U-test