Fig. (3) Northern blots with fragments 3a (from GDH-synthesized RNA) and fragment 3b (from total RNA) homologous to mRNAs for translation factor and AOX as probes: Equal amounts (10µg) of total RNAs from the control, and from 4NTPs, 4NTPs+NH4Cl, NH4Cl, ATP, 3NTPs, CTP, GTP, UTP, ATP+UTP, GTP+CTP-treated peanuts were electrophoresed through 2% agarose gel, trans-blotted on to nylon membrane, followed by screening with 32P-labelled cDNA of the probe. The membrane was washed with low stringency solution and autoradiographed. Band {1} is the mRNA encoding ribosomal protein; band {2} is the mRNA encoding AOX.