Fig. (4) Pharmacodynamics of FITC-HA binding to CD14+ PBMC and serum HA levels.The pharmacodynamics of FITC-HA binding to CD14+ PBMC vs. serum HA levels were different for each dosing period but generally FITC-HA binding to monocytes initially increased with rising serum HA levels during all infusion periods (0-2hr time points for each dosing period). FITC-HA binding and serum HA levels declined to baseline (dotted line represents baseline FITC-HA binding and baseline values have been subtracted from serum HA levels, see Subjects, Materials and Methods for details) in a roughly coordinated fashion during the first two dosing periods but FITC-HA binding remained higher than baseline in period 3 when serum HA levels had dropped. By the 4th dosing period, FITC-HA binding to CD14+ PBMC and serum HA levels rose and fell in unison.