Table 2: Incidence of Medically Recorded Pregnancy Complications in the Groups of Case and Control Pregnant Women with or without hCG Treatment

Pregnancy Complications Case Mothers Control Mothers Comparison of Control Mothers
Untreated (N=38,054) Treated(N=97)
Untreated(N=22,843) Treated(N=83)
No. % No. % No. % No. % OR 95%CI
Threatened abortion* 3,501 15.3 71 85.5 6,463 17.0 77 79.4 5.0 3.3-7.4
Nausea, vomiting (excessive)** 1,746 7.6 7 8.4 3,863 10.2 6 6.2 0.6 0.3-1.3
Pre-eclampsia*** 1,678 7.3 12 14.5 3,214 8.5 7 7.2 0.8 0.4-1.8
Threatened preterm delivery ® 2,850 12.5 18 18.6 5,432 14.3 28 28.9 2.4 1.6-3.8
Placental disorders®® 303 1.3 4 4.1 587 1.5 5 5.2 3.5 1.4-8.6
Gestational diabetes 141 0.6 1 1.2 267 0.7 3 3.1 4.5 1.4-14.4
Anemia, iron deficiency 3,240 14.2 6 7.2 6,345 16.7 11 11.3 0.6 0.3-1.2

* vaginal bleeding and/or uterine contractions.
** prospectively and medically recorded, in addition treated with antiemetic drugs.
*** including pregnancy hypertension, oedema and albuminuria.
® including cervical incompetence as well.
®® including placenta previa, premature separation of placenta, anterpartum hemorrhage.