Table 3: Abundance and diversity index of butterflies by season in Okomu National Park, Edo State Nigeria.

Diversity indices Wet Season Cumulative data from the two replicate per month Dry Season Cumulative data from the two replicate per month
Taxa_S 138 (138-138) 130 (130-130)
Number of Individual 4059 (4059-4059) 2251 (2251-2251)
Shannon_H 4.354 (4.306-4.372) 3.827 (3.747-3.873)
Evenness_e^H/S 0.564 (0.537-0.574) 0.353 (0.326-0.370)
Simpson_D 0.978 (0.976-0.979) 0.940 (0.933-0.945)