Table 2: Osoyoos Lake 2006-13 Mysis diluviana biomass (µg L-1 dry weight) and production rates (µg L-1 d-1 dry weight), were averaged from samples collected every 2-3 weeks during June-October of each year. The production methods used were bioenergetics [45, 46], size-frequency [56], and increment summation [55].

Year Biomass Bioenergetics Size frequency Increment summation
2006 13.56 0.064 0.28 0.13
2007 13.52 0.032 0.29 0.13
2008 12.35 0.061 0.45 0.22
2009 17.74 0.111 0.45 0.19
2010 14.84 0.109 0.43 0.22
2011 2.70 0.021 0.06 0.03
2012 14.17 0.100 0.36 0.17
2013 18.68 0.135 0.49 0.35