Table 4: Epworth sleepiness scale and cardio respiratory monitoring in hypertensive patients and healthy controls.

Controls (n=56) Patients (n=75) p
ESS, 0-24 a 4 [2, 7] 5 [3, 8] 0.27
AHI, events/hour 1.8 [2.2;4.3] 1.7 [0.7;6.6] 0.44
ODI, events/hour 1.7 [0.7;4.4] 3.1 [1.1;7.6] 0.014
Snoring, % of sleep time 0.3 [0.0;2.0] 0.8 [0.0;8.3] 0.016
Mean SaO2, % 94.5 (1.3) 93.8 (1.9) 0.06
AHI≥5, % (n) b 25 (14) 32 (24) 0.38
AHI≥15, % (n) c 2 (1) 17 (13) 0.004

Abbreviation: AHI: Apnoea hypopnea index, ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale, ODI: Oxygen desaturation index, SaO2: Mean Oxygen Saturation. ESS, AHI, ODI and snoring are presented as median with interquartile range [25; 75%]. Mean SaO2 is presented as mean (SD). AHI≥5 and ≥15 are presented as percentage (number). a From Epworth Sleepiness Scale, self-reported data. b All-degree OSA, c Moderate-to-severe OSA Statistics were performed using unpaired t-test or Mann-Whitney’s test, chi-squared test or Fishers exact test.