Table 1: Anthropometric and metabolic characteristics associated with insulin secretion levels.

Level of Fasting Insulin Secretion Insulinopenia
0 à10µU/ml
N=53 (53%)
Insulin resistance
10 à 20µU/ml
N= 30 (30%)
N= 17(17%)
Associated characteristics
Sex H 18 (33%)
F 36 (67%)
H 6 (20%)
F 24 (80%)
H 4 (24%)
F 13 (76%)
Age (years) 59.87±9.92 61.40±9.58 55.00±8.02 0.084
Glycemia (g/l) 1.976±0.940 1.788±0.801 2.100±0.973 0.483
Insulin/glycemia 10.79±7.54 24.06±14.86 62.2±42.3 0.000
Peptide C 0.1873±0.1754 1.1937±0.2571 3.405±1.744 0.000
Glycated hemoglobin (%) 7.593±1.152 7.699±1.033 7.677±1.200 0.908
HOMA-IR 1.458±1.607 2.357±1.577 5.247±3.759 0.000
Β% 44.42±49.23 64.86±53.16 104.3±101.1 0.007
S% 95.75±41.48 48.95±12.65 23.83±8.49 0.000
BMI 29.873±4.949 31.04±6.70 29.53±7.01 0.609
Waist circumference (cm) 104.11±13.86 106.67±13.02 102.71±19.59 0.628
Consanguinity Yes 25 (46%)
No 29 (54%)
Yes 17 (57%)
13 (43%)
Yes 8 (47%)
9 (53%)
Heredity in diabetes Yes 29 (54%)
No 25 (46%)
Yes 18 (60%)
No 12 (40%)
Yes 8 (47%)
No 9 (53%)
Smoking Yes 10 (19%)
No 44 (81%)
Yes 5 (17%)
No 25 (83%)
Yes 4 (24%)
No 13 (76%)
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 2.176±1.525 2.165±1.608 3.012±2.307 0.183
Total Cholesterol (mg/dl) 1.8517±0.4724 1.6800±0.3814 1.9065±0.4085 0.142
HDL-Cholesterol (mg/dl) 0.4496±0.1518 0.4113±0.1213 0.3965±0.1069 0.265
LDL-Cholesterol (mg/dl) 1.0624±0.3732 0.9277±0.3212 0.9806±0.2580 0.213
Non HDL-Cholesterol (mg/dl) 1.4020±0.4771 1.2687±0.3879 1.510±0.438 0.183
Triglyceride /HDL (mg/dl) 5.530±4.807 5.544±4.265 8.45±7.71 0.119
CRP 5.481±3.226 10.87±34.23 4.471±1.231 0.384
Arterial ypertension Yes (22%)
No (78%)
Yes (20%)
No (80%)
Yes (12)
No (88%)
DBP (mmHg) 6.852±0.998 6.667±1.184 7.118±1.166 0.392
SBP (mmHg) 12.926±1.747 13.067±1.741 12.000±1.768 0.109