Table 2: Characteristics and key outcomes of studies investigating the relationship between LGE detected fibrosis and sudden cardiac death.

Study No Author Total,
Follow up Mean LVEF
total, %l
total, g/m2
LGE+, % Mean LVEF, % Mean LVMI,
Primary Endpoint Outcomes
1 Prinz et al. [25] 87 49.9± 13.6 3.5±2.6 years 61.8± 7.5 Maximal IVS thickness 22.0±8.0 mm Visual quantification 90% N/A N/A  ▪  Appropriate  ICD  interventions LGE extent correlated with VT (p<0.01) in multilinear regression
2 Bruder
et al. [26]
220 58 (47-68) 1090 days 71 (65-77) 84 (68-97) >2SD 67.2 71.0 vs 70.5
(p= 0.95)
85.0 vs 76.0 (p=0.001)  ▪  SCD LGE presence yielded an OR 5.14 for SCD, (p=0.057)
3 O’Hanlon
et al. [27]
217 53.2±15.1 3.1±1.7 years 73.9 (10.6) 108.9 (37.4) FWHM 63 72.7 (11.6) vs 75.9
(8.4) (p=0.03)
118.2 (41.3) vs 93.2 (22.3) (p<0.001)  Composite  arrhythmic  endpoint
 ▪  Sustained VT  or VF
 ▪  Appropriate  ICD  discharge
 ▪  SCD
LGE presence yielded a HR
3.15 for the
arrhythmic endpoint, (p=0.138).
4 Rubinshtein
et al. [28]
424 55±16 43±14 months 67±9
(30 - 88)
Maximal IVS thickness 20.5±5 mm Visual quantification 57 66±10 vs 69±8 (p=0.001) N/A  ▪  SCD
 ▪  Appropriate
 ICD  discharge
 ▪  SCD
4 SCD + 4 appropriate ICD discharge all LGE+.
5 Klopotowski et al. [29] 328 45 (29-58) 37 (24-48) 69
87 (67-114) >6SD 68.9 70 (64-75) vs 68 (63-75) vs 69 (63-73)
93 (71-128) vs 90 (71-114) vs 77 (61-105)
 ▪  SCD
 ▪  Appropriate
 ICD  discharge
 ▪  SCD
LGE presence outside interventricular insertion points yielded an OR 10.01 for the endpoint, (p=0.033)
6 Ishmail
et al. [30]
711 56.3 3.5 years 74.6±9 101.9±37.0 FWHM 66.2 73.3±9.5 vs 77.1±7.1 (p<0.001) 108.4±40.1 vs 88.7±25.1 (p<0.001)  ▪  SCD
 ▪  Aborted  SCD
LGE presence yielded a HR: 2.69, p=0.073)
LGE extent yielded a HR 1.24/5% increase in LGE (p=0.007)
LGE not predictive of SCD in multivariate analysis
7 Chan et al. [31] 1293 46±17 years 3.3 67±9 83.0±34.0 Visual quantification 42 N/A N/A  ▪  SCD
 ▪  Appropriate  ICD  discharge
LGE extent yielded an adjusted HR, 1.46/10% increase in LGE (p=0.002)