Table 2: Comparative Inhibitory Effects of BAFF-R-Fc and BCMA-Fc on Resiquimod-Driven Resistance to Apoptosis of CLL Cells

Treatment % of Enrichment in Cytoplasmic Nucleosomes p Value/Control
Control 100 ± 5 -
Rq 59 ± 3 < 0.001
BAFF-R-Fc 98 ± 2 NS
BCMA-Fc 101 ± 6 NS
Rq + BAFF-R-Fc 73 ± 3 < 0.02
Rq + BCMA-Fc 92 ± 4 0.05

Cells from one CLL patient were cultured at 2 × 106/ml in the presence or not of Resiquimod 1µM, together or not with BAFF-R-Fc (50µg/ml) or BCMA-Fc (50 µg/ml). After 48 hours of incubation, 20 000 cells were collected and the percentage of enrichment in cytoplasmic nucleosomes was estimated from triplicate samples by a specific ELISA, as described in Materials and Methods. Statistical significances in comparison with control (unstimulated) cells, taken as 100%, were estimated with the modified Student’s t test for a small number of samples. Data are from one patient out of three that gave comparable results.