Table 2: Technical variables of HEWs to data management in East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia, 2014.

Variables Responses Frequency (%)
User friendliness of Report format Yes
116 (38.4)
186 (61.6)
Why formats nonuser friendliness Uncommon words
Inconsistency of formats
72 (38.7)
28 (15.1)
86 (46.2)
Submitting report with definite time No
11 (3.6)
291 (96.4)
Regular reporting habit Usually
Sometimes delayed
Usually delayed
185 (61.3)
109 (36.1)
8 (2.6)
Reason for Delay of reporting Poor capacity to compile report
Work load with other activity
Other reasons
50 (42.7)
54 (46.2)
8 (6.8)
5 (4.3)
Presence of daily activity challenge No
165 (54.6)
137 (45.4)
Types of routine task challenges Transportation
Community resistance
Distance from health post
Community absenteeism
Registration formats shortage
50 (36.5)
30 (21.9)
30 (21.9)
20 (14.6)
7 (5.1)