Table 8: Electrochemical impedance parameters for carbon steel immerged in 1.0 M HCl with and without 10-4 M of ATP at different immersion times.

Immersion Time (h) Rs (Ω cm²) Rct (Ω cm²) Cdl (µF cm-2) nct τdl (ms) ηEIS (%)
0.5 2.03±0.19 642.00±0.28 45.04±0.68 0.91±0.01 28.91±0.001 93.79
2 2.18±0.20 788.3±0.18 44.39±0.68 0.92±0.01 34.99±0.001 94.94
4 2.86±0.19 797.3±0.62 43.02±0.67 0.92±0.01 34.30±0.001 95.00
6 2.91±0.19 542.8±0.37 87.00±1.26 0.81±0.01 47.22±0.001 92.65
12 2.01±0.21 425.5±0.44 88.80±1.93 0.78±0.01 37.78±0.001 90.63